# Aleph - WordPress Theme by Pojo.me ### 2020-03-09 v5.2.0 * Tweak! - Updated breadcrumbs structured data schemes to avoid search console alerts * Tweak! - Replaced `login_headertitle` filter with `login_headertext` ### 2019-08-05 v5.1.0 * Tweak! - Added `wp_body_open` action hook in `header.php` to support WordPress v5.2+ * Tweak! - Added compatibility for WooCommerce v3.6+ * Tweak! - Removed `browsehappy` notice on IE browser * Tweak! - Added backwards compatibility with WordPress versions prior to v5.2 ### 2019-04-04 v5.0.3 * Fix! - conflict with Elementor dynamic link actions ### 2019-03-28 v5.0.2 * Tweak! - Added compatibility for revamped licensing system ### 2018-06-07 v5.0.1 * Tweak! - Fully support WooCommerce v3.4.0+ * Tweak! - Removed Slider Revolution from recommendation plugins * Tweak! - Removed OptinMonster from recommendation plugins * Tweak! - Changed Pojo Accessibility plugin to One Click Accessibility ### 2018-05-01 v5.0.0 * Tweak! - Fully support Elementor Pro v2.0 ### 2018-01-25 v4.0.12 * Fix! - Check if YT API script is needed * Fix! - Google Analytics integration for old installs * Fix! - Conflict blank pages with archives ### 2017-11-19 v4.0.11 * Tweak! - Embedded Masterslider script is added only if needed * Tweak! - Embedded YT API script is added only if needed * Tweak! - Removed WC CPT from Post navigation option * Tweak! - Removed Google Analytics integration for new installs * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider `v5.` * Fix! - Added compatibility for WordPress `v4.9` * Fix! - Added compatibility for Gallery CPT with Elementor lightbox navigation * Fix! - Added compatibility for Elementor video widget (custom ratio) ### 2017-09-24 v4.0.10 * Tweak! - Improved compatibility with WPML * Tweak! - Added Date field to the Meta Box * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v5.4.6 * Fix! - Added compatibility for WordPress 4.8.2 & 4.7.6 * Fix! - Checkout form style for WooCommerce 3.0+ ### 2017-07-10 v4.0.9 * Fix! - Video widget gone after last update ### 2017-07-09 v4.0.8 * Tweak! - Google Fonts list updated * Fix! - Improved compatibility menu for WPML * Fix! - Captions doesn't show in Galleries * Fix! - Comparability with video lightbox by Elementor ### 2017-06-29 v4.0.7 * Fix! - Added compatibility with Elementor v1.5 ### 2017-06-21 v4.0.6 * Tweak! - Compatible up to WordPress v4.8 * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v5.4.5.1 * Fix! - Compatibility WC 3.0: Removed Upsells and Related products style ### 2017-04-19 v4.0.5 * Fix! - Added compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0 - Products by Category widget ### 2017-04-18 v4.0.4 * Tweak! - Fully support WooCommerce v3.0.0 * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v5.4.1 * Tweak! - Added `no_apply_child_posts` to Gallery CPT too * Tweak! - Removed templates section when the backend builder is disable ### 2017-02-23 v4.0.3 * Tweak! - Added support in Sticky Header for Menu Anchor widget by Elementor * Fix! - Custom field in menus on WordPress 4.7 * Fix! - Change the URL for revslider plugin installation ### 2017-01-25 v4.0.2 * Tweak! - Remove Live CSS when is empty (Moved to Additional CSS since WP v4.7+) * Fix! - Apply page protected in galleries * Fix! - Slideshow notice * Fix! - Elementor with Posts page * Fix - Blank page apply on the children posts ### 2016-12-20 v4.0.1 * Tweak! - Updated jQuery Numerator Plugin v0.2.1 * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v5.3.1.5 * Tweak! - Added `po_single_metadata_show` filter * Fix! - Two Slideshows in one page (with same source) ### 2016-11-14 v4.0.0 * Tweak! - Added HTTPS link to google fonts script * Tweak! - Reorder loading scripts in Child Theme * Tweak! - Added menu anchor support for Elementor * Tweak! - New demos for all pojo themes, designed by Elementor * Tweak! - Elementor now is primary page builder for Pojo themes * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v5.3.0.2 * Tweak! - Updated Isotope plugin v3.0.1 * Tweak! - Removed Device Widget, Sharing, Builder Animations plugins from Install Required Plugins * Tweak! - Added OptinMonster to Install Required Plugins * Fix! - Added subset support for Google Fonts * Fix! - Removed margin bottom in post format gallery * Fix! - Reduced file-name for Open Sans Condensed font ### 2016-09-20 v2.6.4 * Tweak! - Added integration with Elementor for: Slideshow, Galleries, WooCommerce and Revolution Slider * Tweak! - Added `schema.org` support for post archive and single ### 2016-08-17 v2.6.3 * Tweak! - Google Fonts list updated * Tweak! - Short filename for some files * Tweak! - Compatible up to WordPress v4.6 * Fixed! - Bug TinyMCE in page builder ### 2016-07-17 v2.6.2 * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v5.2.6 * Tweak! - Updated Font Awesome v4.6.3 * Fixed! - Bootstrap collapse bug ### 2016-06-02 v2.6.1 * Tweak! - New 10 google fonts for Hebrew * Tweak! - Fully support WooCommerce v2.6.1 ### 2016-06-02 v2.6.0 * New! - Elementor support * New! - Added blank page to all CPTs * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v5.2.5.3 ### 2016-04-14 v2.5.2 * Fixed! - Issue Login screnn style with WP 4.5 ### 2016-04-13 v2.5.1 * New! - Added 100% Width Layout for all Custom Post Type * New! - Added Arabic fonts: Droid Arabic Kufi, Droid Arabic Naskh, Noto Kufi Arabic, Noto Naskh Arabic * Tweak! - Compatible up to WordPress v4.5 * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v5.4.2.1 * Tweak! - Updated Font Awesome v4.6 * Tweak! - Updated Pojo Sharing v2.5.11 * Tweak! - Improved Scroll between anchor links ### 2016-02-08 v2.5.0 * New! - Added language arabic (ar) * Tweak! - Fully support WooCommerce v2.5.2 * Tweak! - System Info: Hide Active Plugins and Network Plugins when is empty * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v5.1.6 * Tweak! - Updated Font Awesome v4.5.0 * Tweak! - Updated BXSlider v4.2.5 * Fixed! - Show Scroll up just when is scrolling * Fixed! - Hide breadcrumbs from Titlebar in Widgets Area mode * Fixed! - Minify CSS files ### 2015-12-31 v2.4.0 * New! - Added Login screen style * New! - Added System Info under Theme Options * New! - Added builder template shortcode: [pojo-builder-embed id="XXXX"] * Tweak! - Make choose categories in recent posts as optional * Fixed! - Hide scroll up in preview modal * Fixed! - Disable Parallax in touch screen ### 2015-12-22 v2.3.10 * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v5.1.5 * Fixed! - Posts with `offset` & `paged` in WordPress v4.4 ### 2015-12-10 v2.3.9 * Fixed! - Wrong permission in WordPress v4.4 ### 2015-12-09 v2.3.8 * Tweak! - Compatible up to WordPress v4.4 * Tweak! - Improved preview modal for Slideshows and Forms * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v5.1.4 * Fixed! - Support to WC Cart Menu Sticky ### 2015-11-18 v2.3.7 * Tweak! - Improved code for new version of Pojo importer plugin * Tweak! - Improved Licenses API * Tweak! - Social Widget: Improved accessibility * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v5.1.3 ### 2015-10-29 v2.3.6 * New! - Added sticky menu option: WC Menu cart * Tweak! - Improved accessibility * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v5.1.0 ### 2015-10-20 v2.3.5 * New! - Added ScrollUp feature * New! - Added filter to default value title bar * New! - Added button class to loading * Tweak! - Builder: New modal for TinyMCE editor * Tweak! - Galleries/Slideshows: Added Slide Duration * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v5.0.9 * Tweak! - Better support for WPML & Polylang (Credit line) * Tweak! - Moved Revolution Slider to our cloud server * Fixed! - Opacity field realtime changes in Customizer mode ### 2015-09-03 v2.3.4 * New! - Added 404 page layout & setting * Tweak! - Added one more mirror to our licenses system * Tweak! - Changed CSS for RTL fields * Tweak! - Better anchor links with responsive menu * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v5.0.7 ### 2015-08-19 v2.3.3 * New! - Added new fields in customizer: Static Front Page, Site Title & Tagline * New! - Added to recent product builder widget orderby: Menu Order, Title, Author, Post Slug, Modified, Comment Count, Post ID, Random, None * New! - Added `pojo_recent_posts_widget_query_args` filter * New! - Added `pojo_tgmpa_config_array` filter * Tweak! - Compatible up to WordPress v4.3 * Tweak! - Updated Font awesome v4.4.0 * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v5.0.4.1 * Tweak! - Changed templates for WooCommerce v2.4+ * Tweak! - Changed Menu tab in customizer to Navigation * Tweak! - Hidden favicon options and added notice for old users * Tweak! - Added new license status (No Match) * Fixed! - Pojo Sharing plugin translate updated * Fixed! - Improved Notice in dashboard ### 2015-07-29 v2.3.2 * Fixed! - Widget image in customizer * Fixed! - Some issues with fields * Tweak! - Improved scripts in dashboard * Tweak! - Added support for old forms class * Tweak! - Improved licenses system ### 2015-07-12 v2.3.1 * New! - Added filters for sidebar column class * Tweak! - Improved compatibility for Pojo Forms plugin * Tweak! - Added custom taxonomies to Breadcrumbs * Fixed! - HTML mode for all types in Tabs widget * Fixed! - Bug LTR > RTL in Builder columns * Fixed! - Text + Image widget for responsive (add max width) * Fixed! - Exclude param in Sub Page Menu widget ### 2015-06-24 v2.3.0 * New! - Builder: Advanced Columns * New! - Builder: Better UI for Drag&Drop * New! - Builder: Better supported in small screen resolutions * New! - Builder: Admin Lebel added * New! - Builder: Added Video Backgorund (YouTube Supported) * New! - Builder: Added Custom Text Color for Section * New! - Builder: Filter copied content form Builder Widgets to Text Editor for searching and adjustment with WordPress SEO by Yoast * New! - Builder: Added HTML mode for Tabs * Tweak! - Pojo Sharing: Fixed some issues with E-mail option ### 2015-06-10 v2.2.2 * New! - Template Library * New! - Add Lightbox icon to slideshow gallery in Mobile mode * Tweak! - Auto clear cache for License data (again) ### 2015-06-07 v2.2.1 * Tweak! - Youtube embed for IE * Tweak! - Improved CSS for WooCommerce v2.3+ * Tweak! - Auto clear cache for License data ### 2015-05-20 v2.2.0 * Added! - Device Widget plugin into the plugins system * Tweak! - Updated version for Open Sans Hebrew * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v4.6.93 * Tweak! - Better accessibility support for WordPress 4.2 * Tweak! - Removed theme-files.zip folder and changed to child-theme.zip * Tweak! - Fixed browser alert in repeater widgets * Tweak! - Support in Pojo Lightbox v2 plugin ### 2015-05-05 v2.1.1 * Tweak! - Move all demo content from the theme to our remote server * Tweak! - Improved galleries for accessibility * Tweak! - Improved auto updates * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v4.6.92 * Fixed! - Some unexpected errors from JS ### 2015-04-29 v2.1.0 * Added! Reset Page Templates for better immigration from other themes to Pojo Framework * Added! Don't apply the page settings to the child posts * Tweak! - Compatible up to WordPress 4.2 * Tweak! - Pojo Sidebars Support * Tweak! - Pojo Custom Fonts Support * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v4.6.9 * Tweak! - Added time value in comments * Fixed! - Menu Anchor: just for .pojo-menu-anchor * Fixed! - Replacing file in image field * Fixed! - Some bugs with mobile devices ### 2015-03-31 v2.0.2 * Fixed! - some bugs with touch screens ### 2015-03-27 v2.0.1 * Fixed! - Scroll problem with Mobile devices ### 2015-03-26 v2.0.0 * Added! - Parallax Effect for Section (Builder) * Added! - Posts navigation by Taxonomies (per cpt) * Added! - Anchor Menu Widget for Builder * Added! - Menu Setting to Advanced Options (Hide/Show Custom Menu) * Added! - Custom Sticky Menu * Added! - Hover Animation For Carousel Slideshows * Added! - Show Widgets Area in Title Bar * Tweak! - Improved Woocommerce Support * Tweak! - Improved Button Widget now in Sidebar also * Tweak! - Removedtag from header.php * Fixed! - Loading Bug in News Ticker * Fixed! - Slideshows with link now it's working * Fixed! - Bootstrap blockquote RTL mode * Fixed! - Testimonials with RTL * Fixed! - Image + Text in Mobile ### 2015-02-26 v1.2.5 * New! - Added Hide Current Page in the Breadcrumb (per CPT) * New! - Added Layouts for Posts and Galleries (All CPT) * New! - Added Display meta data per post * New! - Added Image Widget / Image + Text Widget: Add ALT Text field for better accessibility * New! - Added Offset filed (query) to Posts Widget and Posts Page * New! - Added Update fontawesome 4.3 (40 New Icons) * New! - Added Pojo News Ticker supported * New! - Added Purge all thumbnails chache from thumb folder (Tools) * Tweak! - Now all themes load minify stylesheet for optimization * Tweak! - Pojo Importer now import RevSlider also * Tweak! - Pojo Importer now choose default language by install * Tweak! - Add Default value to Background (Advanced Options) * Fixed! - Conflict Customize with Menus * Fixed! - Some issues with Divider Widget ### 2015-02-08 v1.2.4 * Fixed! - Some bugs with Builder and Customizer ### 2015-02-05 v1.2.3 * New! - Added Post Navigation for posts. * New! - Added YouTube options to Video Widget * New! - Added new hebrew font as Carmela * New! - Added more option for Typo field in Title / Image&Text / Animated Numbers Widgets * Tweak! - Compressed the Framework CSS files for better loading * Tweak! - Sync the new fonts from Google Fonts * Tweak! - Better extend Pojo Template from child theme * Tweak! - Updated MasterSlider v2.9.3 ### 2015-01-21 v1.2.2 * New! - Added new Importer system * New! - Added more option for Typo field in Customizer * New! - Added customizer options for Sidebar * Tweak! - New dashboard UI * Tweak! - Updated Pojo Sharing ### 2014-12-20 v1.2.1 * Tweak! - Update dummy data * Tweak! - Compatible up to WordPress 4.1 ### 2014-12-15 v1.2.0 * New! - Added all WordPress widgets in our Builder * New! - Added new Catalog Widget * New! - Added custom background options in title bar (Advanced Options) * New! - Added new Animated Numbers widget * New! - Added background opacity in Customizer, Button Widget, Advanced Options * New! - Added CSS ID in Builder row * New! - Added show Builder row for logged users only * Tweak! - Change title bar system to better support for child themes * Tweak! - Replace icon for Theme options on dashboard * Tweak! - Remove licenese details from the dashboard, but you can * display this by using `pojo_is_show_license_details` filter * Tweak! - Add full image for Catalog widget * Tweak! - Add full image for Testimonials widget * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v4.6.5 * Tweak! - Update dummy data * Fixed! - Bug from Custom Sidebars plugin ### 2014-10-27 v1.1.1 * New! - Added new Testimonials Widget * New! - Added meta data & read more support in recent posts widget * New! - Added choose images sizes thumbnails in galleries * New! - Added order fields in recent galleries * New! - Added editor text in Galleries post type (display bellow gallery) * New! - Added new WooCommerce Widget Product Categories * New! - Added control on breadcrumbs delimiter (on Theme Options) * New! - Added 14 animation for hover Image Widget & Image+Text Widget * New! - Added page links support (Ref: http://codex.wordpress.org/Styling_Page-Links) * New! - Added Image+Text widget link target * New! - Disable row option in Builder * Tweak! - Add CSS support for Contact Form 7 and other forms * Tweak! - Re-Design widget tabs admin * Tweak! - Updated Revolution Slider v4.6.3 * Tweak! - Added avatar in post comments * Fixed! - Allowed to add `tel` or `callto` or `mailto` links in Button Widget * Fixed! - Post password protected for Builder & Posts & Galleries (and more formats) ### 2014-10-06 v1.1.0 * New! - Auto upgrade system for your theme * New! - Added row visibility in Builder * Tweak! - Added `masterslider.map` file for debug tools ### 2014-09-22 v1.0.0 * Initial release